Emotions & Motivation
"Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a
framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into
how humans learn." ~ CAST
The Interplay of Emotion, Cognition, and Learning in the Language Classroom (Moeller, 2021)
Matching Your Face or Appraising the Situation: Two Paths to Emotional Contagion (Deng & Hu, 2018)
The Influence of Social Contagion within Education: A Motivational Perspective (Burgess et al., 2018)
Understanding the Role of Negative Emotions in Adult Learning and Achievement: A Social Functional Perspective (Rowe & Fitness, 2018)
Brain Basis for Integrated Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (Immordino-Yang et al., 2017)
Emotional Contagion in the Classroom: The Impact of Teacher Satisfaction and Confirmation on Perceptions of Student Nonverbal Classroom Behavior (Houser & Waldbuesser, 2017)
What Does Emotion Have to Do with Learning? Everything! (Schmidt, 2017)
We Feel, Therefore We Learn: The Relevance of Affective and Social Neuroscience to Education (Immordino-Yang & Damasio, 2007)
"Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a
framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into
how humans learn." ~ CAST
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Explains How the Pandemic Affected Teen Brains (CNN, 2022)
Stress Prompts 76% of 4-year College Students to Weigh Leaving, Survey Finds (Spitalniak, 2022)
Mix of In-Person and Online Learning May Boost Student Performance, Reduce Anxiety (APA, 2018)
Why your Brain on Stress Fails to Learn Properly (Hobson, 2018)
Learning & Memory under Stress: Implications for the Classroom
(Vogel & Schwabe, 2016) -
Effect of Stress on Learning and Memory (Almkivist & Mohammed, 2016)
Experimental Evidence of Massive-Scale Emotional Contagion Through Social Networks (Kramer, Guillory & Hancock, 2014)
"First and foremost, teachers should be aware of the impact stress may have on memory formation, retrieval and updating. Moreover, students should be educated about the influence of stress on memory to raise awareness for the powerful effects stress may exert and the
need for efficient coping strategies."
Study: Better sleep habits lead to better college grades (Chandler, 2019)
College students aren’t getting nearly enough sleep (Paprocki, 2021)
The dangers of sleep deprivation (American Heart Association, 2020)
Is an epidemic of sleeplessness increasing the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease? (Lyon, 2019)
Everything you know about sleep is wrong with Dr. Matthew Walker (Walker, 2019)
Matthew Walker: Why is it essential to make time for sleep? (Walker, 2021)